Jefferson County, Alabama

Compliance Week Day 2 - Recipe Swap


Day 2: The Utensils of Compliance
Recipe Swap

Our "Utensils of Compliance" are the various policies, procedures, and guidelines that help us apply ethical principles, navigate regulatory requirements, and maintain transparency. Just as a chef uses a knife to skillfully carve a dish, we use these utensils to carve a path of integrity and trust. These tools can help us avoid pitfalls and challenges that might arise in the compliance journey.

One of our main initiatives is ensuring that procedures are regularly reviewed and updated. Today's activity is an exercise in reviewing a "procedure" and improving it.

Jefferson County, Alabama

Activity Rules

  • Choose your favorite recipe. This could be any dish you love to cook or enjoy eating.
  • Rewrite your recipe, replacing food-related terms with compliance-related terms. For example, you can replace "ingredients" with "ethical principles," "cooking steps" with "compliance steps," and "utensils needed" with "procedures needed". Be creative in naming your dish and view resources on our Compliance Website for inspiration.
  • Using the form below, submit both your original recipe and your new-and-improved compliance-style recipe by 10am on Wednesday, November 15 for a chance to win a prize! The grand prize winner will receive a $50 gift card to Helen. View the Helen restaurant website

Recipe Swap

Location & Main Number:
716 Richard Arrington Jr. Blvd. N, Suite B305
Birmingham, AL 35203
(205) 325-5535
Office Hours:
Monday - Friday
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Excluding Approved Holidays
Anonymous Reporting Hotline:
(844) 759-0034
Online Reporting System:
Compliance is Everyone's Responsibility

The Compliance Office can only investigate Jefferson County Commission merit system employees. Complaints against Elected and/or Appointed Officials should be referred to the County Attorney's Office.