Senior Services

Janice L. Williams
Mission Statement:
The mission of the Senior Services Division of Community Services is to provide health and education awareness, transportation services and other resources to enhance the lives of senior citizens throughout Jefferson County.
The Senior Services Division oversees essential transportation with ClasTran to provide round-trip transportation services to the following senior centers, Monday - Friday with the exception of holidays: Brighton, Center Point, Clay, Exeter-Fairfax, Fairfield, Forestdale, Hoover, Hueytown, Leeds, Edgewater, Sylvan Springs, Hopewell, Midfield, Morris and Tarrant. Transportation services are available to the elderly 60 years and older. Transportation is also provided for field trips and daily pick-up and drop-off to centers.
Education & Awareness
Seniors 60 years and older can contact the Senior Services Division and be placed on the mailing list to attend workshops, seminars, conferences, and health fairs. A variety of topics will be covered to include: Health related topics such as nutrition, diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, dementia, prescription drugs, Medicare and Medicaid, Ombudsman, hospice care, fraud, fall prevention, and other senior related topics.
Incontinence Supplies
Incontinence supplies are available to seniors ages 55 and older throughout Jefferson County. Seniors whose income is below the Federal Poverty guidelines will be eligible. Supplies will include pull-ups, under-pads, wipes, hygiene and skin care products and nutritional supplements. Seniors who have family caregivers are ineligible. Supplies will be available based on funding availability in October through September of each year. Seniors may contact Information Specialist, Dedra Lewis on how to apply for assistance, 205-325-5567.
Information & Referral
The Information Specialist will provide seniors with pertinent information and connect them to community resources throughout Jefferson County. Literature will be distributed at senior centers and other focal points to provide seniors with information about our services and other community programs. The Information Specialist will provide referrals for seniors who are in need of transportation, home repairs, housing opportunities, financial assistance, legal services and other related resources. This service is designed to enhance the quality of life for senior citizens.
Geriatric Case Management
Geriatric case management services will be provided on an emergency basis to seniors who are without access to transportation. The Social Worker will assess the need for food assistance and other available resources as well as follow-up to assure senior citizens’ needs are met.
Virtual Dementia Tour—Second Wind Dreams
The Virtual Dementia Tour is a scientifically proven method of building a greater understanding of dementia through the use of patented sensory tools and instruction.
It is designed to educate caregivers, families and communities by simulating what is known about the effects of Dementia on a person. The founder of the Virtual Dementia Tour is P.K. Beville, Ph.D., an award winning Geriatric Psychologist, dementia expert, and founder of Second Wind Dreams, Inc. Individuals may contact the Coordinator of Senior Services to schedule a tour or be placed on the mailing list for future tours.
Senior Center Assessments
The Social Worker will conduct needs assessments at senior centers throughout the county to determine what activities are desired by the participants and what resources/services are available for improvements.
Senior Fan Distribution
Fans will be distributed to low-income seniors age 60 years and older. Recipients must provide proof of ID. Applicants may contact the Information Specialist from May - August for more information on the program.
Senior Weather Radio Distribution
Radios will be distributed as inventory allows to low-income seniors age 60 years and older or to sponsored senior centers. Recipients must provide proof of ID. Applicants may contact the Information Specialist at 205-325-5567 for more information on the program.
Ms. Senior Jefferson County Pageant
Senior Services staff will coordinate the Ms. Senior Jefferson County pageant. Interested senior citizens can contact the Coordinator of Senior Services from November – January each year. The pageant will beheld on Friday, April 25, 2025, at 1 p.m. downtown at the Boutwell Auditorium. Download the 2025 Pageant Application.
Senior Expo
An annual event that is designed to bring various community resources under one location, so that senior can receive information directly from the vendors themselves. It's free and open to the public.
Senior On-line Connection
Individuals with access to a computer throughout the United States may contact the Information Specialist about resources and services for seniors living in Jefferson County or those planning to move to the county. Contact staff at the website under Community Services and Workforce Development. Click for Senior Services Division link.
Expanding Knowledge
Expanding Knowledge is a community networking lunch which provides professionals, seniors, and family caregivers knowledge about programs and services throughout Jefferson County. Each month will feature a speaker from various organizations to share knowledge about their services. Meetings will be held on the second Tuesday of each month from 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m. Contact Information Specialist, Dedra Lewis to register to attend at 205-325-5567.
Memory Screenings
Alzheimer’s Foundation of America’s National Memory Screening Program provides free, confidential memory screenings–administered by qualified professionals–to individuals across the country.
A memory screening is a simple and safe “healthy brain check-up” that tests memory and other thinking skills. The memory screening is a series of questions and/or tasks that takes less than 10 minutes to complete and can indicate if someone might benefit from a comprehensive medical evaluation. It is not used to diagnose any particular illness and does not replace consultation with a physician or other clinician.